What is an Intuitive Sound Reading
I am so glad you asked!
Much like any intuitive reading you receive (be it with a psychic, tarot, or oracle card), Intuitive Sound Readings are done by getting in touch with spirit guides, angels, and ancestors using sound vibrations and frequency to strengthen the connection.
After a short chat and creating sacred space, I allow the sound bowl to radiate frequency and then listen intently to messages and revelations given to me during the mediation. Those messages are then shared with You, and we move forward into releasing those blocks and activating the chakra so I can begin functioning at optimum health.
Many times I find energetic cords leading to people, situations, or circumstances in need of severing so negative energy can be sent back.
Other times I am shown how these cords lead to ancestral healing as well.
I end the session with and Oracle Card or two as confirmation or indication of further steps to be taken.
Sound Intriguing?