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My Empowered Me
$444.00 USD

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My Empowered Me
$444.00 USD

Investment: $444.00

Program Begins:  Tuesday, September 3.



My Empowered Me:

Remembering and Rediscovering the Power of your Inner Fire


"Unearthing Your Inner Fire: Confronting Mother, Sister, and Witch Wounds for Empowered Mindset Mastery—Could Your Past Lives and conditioned beliefs from your ancestral line Hold the Key?"

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My Empowered Me
$444.00 USD

"Many women find themselves trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and limitation, haunted by the echoes of past wounds inflicted by the Mother, Sister, and Witch archetypes. 


These wounds, stemming from past life experiences and ancestral conditioning, manifest as deep-seated insecurities and negative mindset patterns, hindering personal growth and fulfillment. 


Left unaddressed, these wounds can lead to a life marred by unfulfilled potential, strained relationships, and a perpetual sense of disempowerment. However, buried within these wounds lies the key to unlocking one's inner fire and reclaiming personal power. 


By delving into the depths of these wounds and embracing a transformative journey of self-discovery, individuals can break free from the chains of the past and cultivate a mindset rooted in empowerment and resilience. 


This signature course offers a unique and holistic approach to healing these wounds, guiding participants towards a profound understanding of themselves and their potential. 


Are you ready to confront the shadows of the past and ignite the flames of your inner power?"


Sign Up Now for only $444.00



This Program is Perfect for you IF........

  • You are recovering from Trauma:  Big T or Little T
  • If you have Generational/Ancestral Wounding
  • If you experience Self-Doubt or Low Self Esteem
  • If you have a negative mindset you cannot seem to shake
  • If you are in a Life Transition
  • You are looking for Spiritual Growth
  • If you feel lost or stuck in your trauma or mindset
  • If you have Creative Blockages
  • If you are seeking support or a community of like minded women.
  • If you cannot seem to shake the shame or guilt about your life.
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My Empowered Me
$444.00 USD

In 'My Empowered Me,' YOU will harness the power of intuitive sound healing, guided imagery, Reiki, journaling, meditation, Gene Keys, Akashic Records, and Sacred Movement to facilitate profound healing and transformation. 

Through a carefully crafted blend of modalities, YOU will embark on a soul-nourishing odyssey to release deeply rooted blocks and shed the layers of negative mindset conditioning that have held them back.

My unique coaching style is rooted in intuitive guidance, allowing me to meet YOU exactly where YOU are on YOUR journey. 

Through group experiences, I create a safe and supportive container for exploration and growth.

By delving into the depths of the subconscious mind and connecting with the wisdom of the soul, YOU will uncover hidden truths, heal old wounds, and align with their true essence. 

As YOU release limiting beliefs and embrace their authentic design, YOU step into a life of purpose, passion, and profound self-acceptance.

Join me on this transformative journey and unlock the radiant essence of who you were always meant to be."


"Hello, I am Paula Collins, trusted Priestess, Intuitive Sound Healer, and Spirituality Mentor.  Allow me to be your guide over the next 13 weeks for this transformative journey of deep healing from past woundings due to trauma, conditioned beliefs and values that no longer serve you, and those things you may have inherited due to ancestral and generational wounding/conditioning.  


My path to becoming a healer is deeply personal, as I found myself lost and alone trying to rediscover myself after a serious accident.  I had no direction due to some limitations that were a direct result of this accident.  After speaking with a friend who helped me to reframe my limitation as an actual healing, I began to see that maybe I had received a gift in the form of an injury.  


I took the time to sift through years of old negative mindset and conditioned beliefs that held me back from seeing my true potential and enlisted the help of a life coach to help guide me through my own dark night of the soul and difficult emotions that were tied to people, situations, and circumstances beyond my control.


As I began to heal, I was able to create more space in my life for light, joy, and peace.   I completed my healing, I made a promise that I would use my experience and my gifts and talents to help others heal as well.  


Through the years I have dropped my fear of being seen, honed my energetic skills, rebirthed my love of music to include sound and frequency so that I can use those to help others heal.  I have received training and guidance in Reiki, Sound Healing, Meditation, Akashic Records, Cacao and Ceremony.  I use a combination of all these modalities that allows my clients to become vulnerable, release what no longer serves them, and step into their true authentic self.  


By choosing to take this healing journey with me, you are not just accessing a service; you are stepping into a shared story of all the women who have come before you, and all the women who will follow. Together, we will uncover where your emotional challenges come from so we can transform them into something beautiful and fulfilling.  Let’s embrace this journey of transformation, as you step into this new way of believing and being your internal flame of empowerment lights the way of confidence of unconditional self-love."

What is Included on this Transformative 13 Week Journey:


  • 2 Live Zoom Sessions with me each week (1 ½ hours each session)  That’s 26 Sessions and 39 hours.
  • We will cover 4 Main Topics:  Mother Wound, Sister Wound, Witch Wound, and Mindset
  • Healing Modalities Include:  Sound Healing, Reiki, Guided Imagery, Journaling, Akashic Records
  • Self-Research using:  Gene Keys and Numerology
  • Community with other like minded/soul aligned sisters to provide support
  • WhatsApp:  Ability to get in touch with me between sessions to have questions answered you may not want others to hear.
  • Private FB Group:  A place to chat, get questions answered, share stories, celebrate wins, and share insights.
  • Short Guided Meditations created by me to help you create daily rituals that nurture you along this journey.
  • A Forum that contains the training videos from each session along with the healing sessions that can be accessed and rewatched on demand.
  • LifeTime Access to this Course for you to revisit.
  • Bonus Number 1: 2 1:1 Transformational/Spiritual Mentoring Sessions FREE with me during the duration of this course.
  • Bonus Number 2:  3 of my services at 50% including Reiki, IET, Akashic Records, Intuitive Sound Reading Healing and Activation, Akashic Records Cord Cutting and Healing Session. 
  • Bonus Number 3:  1 Free Well of Wisdom or Cosmic Cross Oracle Card Reading.


Sign Up Now for only $444.00

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My Empowered Me
$444.00 USD
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Module 1

Introduction to the Mother Wound

How Pain and Shame hold you back.

Ancestral/Generational Ties.

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Module 2

Shadows of the Mother Wound

Being Overly Rigid and Domineering

Getting Grounded and Free of the Past

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Module 3

Our Root and Heart Chakra 

How it affects us and forms our world view.

Healing and Activation

Rose Ceremony

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Module 4

Introduction to the Sister Wound

Holding on to insecurity/ jealousy/judgment

Generational/Ancestral Wounding

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Module 5

Shadows of the Sister Wound

The way our language and distrust affect us.

Claiming your strength and personal will

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Module 6

Our Solar Plexus Chakra

How it affects our self-esteem and words we choose

Healing and Activation

Rose Ceremony

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Module 7

Introduction to the Witch's Wound

How fear, grief, and feeling ostracized affect us

Generational/Ancestral Wounding

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Module 8

Shadows of the Witch's Wound

Have you been living a life of hiding out or lost your identity?

Energizing your sexuality, sensuality, and creativity

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Module 9

Our Sacral and Throat Chakra

How it affects and informs our identity

Healing and Activation

Rose Ceremony

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Module 10

MIndset is Everything

Is it fixed or in growth?

Positive Self-Talk

Speaking Your Truth

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Module 11

The Power of Growth

Fixing a Fixed Mindset

Choosing Your Path

Calling in your Wisdom

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Module 12

Our 3rd Eye and Crown Chakra

Learning to trust our intuition and connection to our higher power.

Healing and Activation

Rose Ceremony

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Module 13

Redefining our Core Beliefs and Values

Opening Our Heart and Soul

Aligning our Life with our Truth

Purifying our Vessel

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Bonus Week

Celebration and Course Debrief

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My Empowered Me
$444.00 USD

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My Empowered Me
$444.00 USD

Don’t just take our word for it!

Listen to what our amazing students say

Jordon Gliem


My Empowered Me was a very healing experience. Paula guides the class in a very peaceful way. The group meetings were so wonderful and helped develop a sense of community within all of the participants. The journal prompts encouraged me to shine a light on areas I really hadn’t thought about or didn’t want to think about. I would recommend this program to anyone looking to live a more peaceful, authentic life. The course helped me address some wounds I didn’t know I had. It helped me not so alone, knowing that everyone has similar feelings and wounds. It also helped me heal and change my mindset surrounding some aspects of my life. 


Denise Ramsden


Paula's course was eye opening and amazing. Learning about our female ancestors and the role they played as well as still playing in our lives made me realize I'm not alone. Finding like minded women to share with in the group as well as knowing my ancestors stand behind me makes me realize just how strong I can be. I can make changes in my life as I want to not based on society standards. The sound bowls and singing took it to another level. The vision quests I went on were nothing short of stellar. Paula puts her heart and soul into making the group a safe and nonjudgmental environment. You can feel the kindness and love while learning and feeling your way to a better you.

Helen Berger


I thoroughly enjoyed the transformative journey this course provided. Connecting with fellow participants and delving into diverse perspectives enriched my understanding of the topics. The sound bowl sessions were a unique and calming highlight. Overall, this course prompted deep reflection on my past relationships, especially with my mother, fostering valuable insights and meaningful connections.


Daizy Dhaliwal


This course helped me through my transition time and look into some of the shadow work that needed to be done. Meditations were very healing. 


Jessie Weary


Paula is not only is a kind and down to earth spiritual healer, but she also is a skilled intuitive reader. Intertwining sound bowl healings with intuitive readings was a wonderful, grounding and eye-opening experience! I came out of the session feeling more confident and knowing what I needed to do next for my own healing journey! 


Jan Tolentino


Paula is a talented healer who uses her passion for sound to move your energy. She helped me move through my childhood trauma and allowed me to release the negative energy needed to heal.


Robin Young Beyer


I had such a wonderful session with Paula today! She was spot on with everything and her gentle lovely voice and sound bowls really relaxed me . She easily was able to activate a chakra for me .I highly recommend this beautiful process to anyone.


Vicky DiMichele


What sets apart is her warm and nurturing approach. She creates a safe and supportive space where everyone felt comfortable sharing their experiences, challenges, and aspirations. Her genuine care for each of person is evident in her attentiveness, patience, and willingness to provide personalized guidance throughout her coaching.


Ashley Hallman


All I can say is WOW!  I am fairly new on my spiritual journey and lately there have been numerous signs that I am needing to work on some inner child healing. During the guided meditation I had my head hanging down and all of a sudden started feeling it lift upward and heard “lift your head up sweet girl”. I felt so much lighter, like a weight was lifted. I was surrounded by guides, angels, ancestors and old versions of myself. I felt so at peace, safe. It was like I was getting the hug my soul needed. This powerful experience has shown me that I am not alone, that I am safe. That little girl in me who felt alone for so long can rest. 


Sandy Bielanski


First off I want to thank Paula from the deepest part of my heart. I have found so much of myself since connecting with you~ I have started to find my strength and begin the journey to self love, healing, forgiveness and learning to give myself grace. Before meeting you I have never even heard of some of these words. Without stumbling upon you I don’t know where I would be right now… so thank you. You are truly an Angel.